About me

kacper zamojski

Kacper Zamojski is an artificial intelligence researcher.

He has earned a master’s degree (MA) in law on the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Łódź, after the defence of his thesis 'Challenges for the labour law and labour market related to the development of artificial intelligence’.

Recently, he also completed postgraduate studies at Kozminski University in the field of Artificial Intelligence Project Management (Business. AI: technology, law, application of artificial intelligence).

Main conclusions of the master’s thesis

The main objective of the master’s thesis (and its main research problem) was to highlight selected issues concerning AI and challenges for the labour law and labour market related to AI development.

This issue is undoubtedly important from the legal system’s point of view. Advances in the field of AI development carries a lot of challenges – both chances and threats – for all areas of law.

The consequences of AI development for the labour law and labour market are of particular relevance, due to their extensive spectrum. It appears that the solutions developed in the following years might definitely affect the functioning of the society.

The first chapter of the thesis defines the most important terms related to artificial intelligence. It also presents the origins of AI, and its state as of July 2021. It also covers some of the major technological breakthroughs in the field of AI.

The second chapter of the thesis is dedicated to the threats for the labour law and labour market related to AI development. It introduces AI as a challenge for the basic legal concepts (f.e. legal responsibility) and the threat to the employees’ privacy. It also covers topics as equal treatment in employment and automation (the scale of the phenomenon has increased due to robotization and breakthroughs in the field of AI, which poses a threat of rise in technological unemployment).

The third chapter of the thesis is dedicated to the chances for the labour law and labour market related to AI development. Those chances are related to the increased importance of the digital competences, reducing employees’ workload and improving the safety of employees. It should be emphasised, however, that the public awareness concerning the AI-related topics has significantly increased.

Currently, with thousands of the AI experts and hundreds of the scientific conferences organized worldwide, those topics are broadly discussed within the scientific community and in the public sphere.

The quality of that discussion and the measures taken may have an impact especially in the face of the upcoming, even more profound changes.

Where to find me?

Social media:

LinkedIn: Kacper Zamojski – my professional profile. Publications on my recent research-related activities.

Twitter: KacperZamojski – notes and summaries of my research process.

 Instagram: kacperzamojski  – a glimpse into my private life, with lots of photos, regularly published stories and occasional Q&As.

E-mail: kazamojski@gmail.com

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